Thursday, February 25, 2010

Stucture and Flow

I've been having this reacuring metaphor come up as we prepare for our next Move Freely, Live Deeply event on Sat. Missy has been working a lot with structure and finding how it can aid in flow, where the assumption often says that flow and structure are opposed. For example by planing out life you would perhaps guess that the option of "living in the flow" may be limited... I used to think this was true and have come to believe otherwise.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not much of a planner, and probably never will be, but structure can come in many subtler forms and in this lies a key for combining magic and direction. Imagine a river as it flows towards the ocean. all along its path are banks which keep it contained within a certain course. Imagine for a moment that those banks were permeable and unreliable. The once strong river could be reduced into a scattered flood, or swamp rather quickly. This is often the end result for a river as it reaches its goal spreading out vastly into the arms of the receptive ocean.

In this metaphor I can really grasp the benefit of having some structure, as it relates to carving out the life you desire. Every detail is not important to know in advance and impossible to grasp anyway... but the constraints of vision and purpose can become the steady banks guiding you to a broader expansion and connection.

I personally love to open to the perfect flow in life, whether it is slow as molasses or fast as a raging river. All of the dimensions of such an experience offer there own unique blessings and perspectives. Expansion and contraction are both natural in the flow of intuitive living, and the embracing of what is can cure suffering in a hurry. My goal is to have an inner drive of purpose and vision, perhaps manifesting only as a feeling, but enough to guide me into the arms of the divine union of the small incarnate ME with the infinite wisdom and connection of the universe and all that is. It is like accepting all the power and magnificence that you are while being immensely humbled by the perfection of your place in the whole.
(Painting by Ted Hayward... see link on right!)

Love and blessings,
Chief ME

Friday, February 5, 2010

Be Do Have

I must say I've been feeling slightly bloggy lately. And I mean that as a good thing. It is an experiment to explore the boundaries of my own transparency, authenticity and leadership. All very interesting edges to rub up against.

I was snapped back into my being today by the carefully placed, and beautiful words a very good friend shared. The kind of friend that is of the highest caliber, of which I am blessed to have many. He reminded me of the prevailing paradigm in the world after he reflected the paradigm I have been living and learning to navigate more permanently. He summed it up as follows: First comes being, then doing flows naturally out of being, and having emerges naturally from the genuine flow of inspired doing.

It was the breath of fresh air I had been needing to hear.

The opposite is of course the prevailing wind in our world: having, and the desire to have creates a need to do, in order to support the efforts of having and then being can come later after the pile of having is high enough.

I realized so clearly in that moment the difference in my body and emotional state when I am acting from those two paradigms. In the being first model I am relaxed, trusting, perceptive and joyous. In the have first model I am thinking heavily about how I can figure it out and create a mental picture that might satisfy the deeper part of me that needs freedom in being.

The freedom is the reason for my drive and passion. Without it as a foundation I flounder in the midst of someone else's dream. And simultaneously, so close, is this deeper, broader more fluid dimension, emerging effortlessly as the pond becomes still enough to see through.

I love the fact that intentional words and sounds can harmonize so deeply with another's heart and being. Thank you so much for giving yourself the permission to take in these words.
I love you,

Chief ME
(in charge of being myself)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Poetic Interlude

Can is a term I used to use,
when days were round and nights were blue.
"This picture gives a thousand words,
when all I need is air" says the bird.
Have you got a piece of distance
for this one disarming instance?
As a Rapid engaging of the aging witness,
while he remains blind to the raging wildness
"It is music" says the rainbow, to the wind in my ears,
"It is calming" says the heart of such meaningful tears.
And it still just blows right on by,
it is as still, as the memory
of the sound between the years.

Chief ME
(in charge of being myself)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Seas of Opportunity

Opportunity is today's magic word. We are all here together in this amazingly complex time and space, deciphering the point at which to focus our precious and sacred energies. Also there are moments where we have no clue and drift like children through experience as if on our grandfather's sailboat, nurtured and safe, waiting for our turn at the rudder. There is no advantage however in steering the boat until we are able to see where we are going. Yes we will practice how to turn and what to adjust when the strong winds come, but within the bounds with which we can understand and handle.

Collectively I see us emerging into a new level of responsibility. Our grandfather is aging and cannot see like he used to. The channel is so much deeper and wider than when he started his journey, and there are new options for the sailor. It is the moment of opportunity, to take the responsibility of where you are and where you are going.

So how does one decide? You may ask. I know that I am always asking, and in that lies a clue I believe. Every moment is your perfect mirror, an opportunity to receive and feel the reflection of the reality which you have been creating. Ooops, in case you have trouble with that idea I will say this: fundamentally there is no out there... everything we perceive is occurring within us as our perception of the reflection of light, sound and other energies interacts with our consciousness or individual reference point. We are not separate from the sea of potential being perceived. Everything is a part of this connected field of energy, and this includes you, your personal reference point of experience in time space. There is no other, only infinite view points of the whole from every perspective imaginable.

Whoa sounds kinda complicated and then what? I would say there is simple solution to a complex problem. The only reliable gauge of direction for an individual is within you. It is a new way of navigating life, not based on the collective assumptions of what is important, safe and meaningful, but on your own unique individual guidance, your pulse of excitement. Now don't get me wrong, this is not just a selfish,narcissistic excitement, or wanting, which we probably know very well. I'm talking about the quality of excitement that has some fear with it, the kind that you make excuses about why you can't or rationalize away. If you look at your life as a journey of happiness, creative expression, love, wonder and abundance, I doubt you will create it from a traditional, rational, societal course of action....(well unless that really turns you on). We are entering a new paradigm of what it means to be human. An age of authenticity and empowered action, from our deepest yearning which is the piece of the whole we came here to share, a piece that will be greatly missed if you decide to go back to sleep.

Much love and gratitude for sharing this journey with me!
Chief ME
(in charge of being myself)